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Friday 20 May 2011
a glass half full @ 09:39

A Glass Half Full

This is a short i wrote for my grade 12 english class as a response to a poem called "To a Pessimist".
I have not edited it mind you, but go and give it a read please!
Essentially its a half fictional half non fiction prose, drawing from occurances of events,
words i said, words i didnt, and above all the feelings that were carried in both the spoken and implicit things that i said to this boy.

Wednesday 18 May 2011
the fork and the spoon @ 00:22

the fork and the spoon
sometimes i imagine the way
his touch
would feel upon my skin,
his breath
would feel upon my neck,
his tongue
against my teeth-
then i bite my own
as i stare him down from the left side of the bed.
I cross my legs...
i must always remember
to not run too far
with my imagination.


Sunday 15 May 2011
edelweiss. @ 21:19

i remember that when i was little i hate lullaby's...
but for some reason i fell in love with this one.

i found this cover today, i think it is very pretty.
es ist mein Lieblings-Schlaflied.
"blühen und wachsen"
...so schön

the sound of music probably has to be one of my favorite musicals.
im still trying to figure out how to solve a problem like maria...

Wednesday 4 May 2011

this movie reminds me of the summer.
so bad, its kind of good?

Monday 25 April 2011
sailor jerry's @ 00:58

i discovered something tonight,
not unlike an idle treasure
buried deep in your drawer.
it is something that has always been sacred to me
yet betrayed by arbitrary neglect none the less.
have you ever felt that loose sense of recollection
laced upon the tangents of direction
that seem to inadvertently dictate your path?
the only way i can think to describe it is like
when you hear the girl laugh for the first time;
that jovial interchangeability of feigned interest to impress
the peculiarly dressed,
whether it was herself or the company,
you do not know, and the truest feeling of surrender
to second of honest grace where she let herself go
and gave way to pure emotion of genuine praise,
for the joke, the gesture, or whatever it may have been.
its the lack of certainty
in a moment, given to you by someone else,
that i have remembered to appreciate this evening.
its that second where you come to grips with someone's distinction from a stranger,
but they remain strange enough
to remain unknown...
but somehow, you have that feeling
as if you have touched something tangible within yourself
within them.
i dug through my drawer tonight
within the breast of someone more than an acquaintance
and found both similarity and differences within our discretions.
along the sutures of her heart i found
a map
long lost
to a liquid cure
and some ideal sense of paraded self sufficiency
that we need one another
and their sometimes strange, foreign, and misguided direction
to dictate our own.
i realize that much of this will most likely make sense to few.
Ive been told by my english teacher that i am obtusely verbose
and lose sight of the main picture...
i guess i just lose myself in the words,
or rather the reader.
at least i dont lose the sentiment.
sobriety met and editing avoided
i will remember the meaning of this
and the coordinates it has established,
even if my avid and eager words
cannot develop anothers further understanding of direction...
but for those of you that do
its about a two and a half hour walk,
but i will lie and say its an hour an forty
so you wont pay me fare
to just put my two cents in.

Thursday 21 April 2011
its strange @ 00:44

I find it kind of funny, how we can find ourselves putting stock into others.
the interchangability of emotions becomes both tender and tender alike...
and when the bottom falls out,
and the market crashes,
we all loop into that recession-
that hoplessness that the basic economics of relationships has to offer.
today i find it strange...
i look at the world with a view that has been estranged to me for quite a while.
all that i see now is not a scar upon something i once found beautiful and hopeful, but rather the complete severence of it from the body of the source itself.
i see now that in the market of love
its not what you stand to gain
its what you stand to lose,
and in the end
what you are willing to risk.

Friday 15 April 2011
- Save the Kittens! Vote... @ 19:27

so all right...

 I'm sure to some degree most of us are aware of the upcoming federal election that has been put into motion due to parliaments vote of no confidence in our favorite blue sweatered priminister. This, some say, could possibly be the ending of Harper's five year reign in office. So, what praytell , brought about this vote in no confidence that caused 156 members of parliament to vote opposed to Harper, and dissolve Canada's fortieth parliament? It would appear that not even in addition to his alleged diet of kittens, Harper did indeed fuck up. So, what exactly are the crimes against Canada? Well according to the opposing officials in parliament, the "coup", so to speak, spear headed by Liberal Michael Ignatieff, stands to accuse Harper of being in contempt for failure to disclose details of financial nature pertaining to legislation. Don't worry Ignatieff, the 65 American-made stealth fighter jets are alllll apart of the Economic Recovery Plan for Canada...

Now I myself, being seventeen and uneducated within the realms of politics, have very narrow view as to what is going on within our government system. However, this doesn't go without saying, that it doesn't take a genius to see that when 156 members of parliament vote against you and your minority government fails to overturn the opposition (once again),  what ever it may be, chances something is wrong and its time for a change. Yes, this means your minority government is STILL not working and that most of us STILL don't like it.

At this point I'm not too sure how I feel about the election. Sure, it would be nice to finally establish a government that would have enough power for their votes to go somewhere, but in the same breath I wonder how much this is costing us as tax payers.

Oh yeah...
 an estimated $288.2 million.

That is about 35% of the rough estimate of how much those fighter jets are going to cost Canada over the next 20 years.

I don't know about you, but this seems a little unorthodox when you bring to perspective the fact that out Education system, in particular Alberta, will be suffering some major cutbacks next year. I believe I heard that 5 teachers alone in my school would be losing their jobs and and at another one would remain for an entire faculty. This alone is shitty for the already underpaid teachers, and even worse for the students, who will be crammed into classrooms... about 45 per class or so...
but THANK GOD Harper is not planning on raising our taxes to provide an adequate education for our future fighter pilots... that would just be ridiculous, and don't you think, detracting from the main point of where leaders should be directing their focus? I think it was harper who said at a Winnipeg ralley involving post secondary education funding, that the focus  was back from their places "in Ottawa at [their] desks working on the economy."

Maybe that's why Harper failed to release those financial documents? Thanks to the Liberals he must have lost the papers.
Fucking Ignatieff strikes again...

Well all in all I will have to cut this short and sweet.
In return all that I ask this...

Dear Government:
Cut the spending and cut the crap.
and on a side note ...

please, Jack Layton, cut the mustache. It makes you look like just as much of a douche has Harper and that atrocious sweater.  


apres moi
cobie is the name

i enjoy bukowski, casablanca, vodka, and stars. please feel free to comment and engage in posts, forbidding they are mundane or extremely ignorant... then in which case feel free to ignore them or correct me.
create &inspire.